VACCINOSIS - Is it Real?

It only takes a quick search on the internet to find article after article about the ill effects that vaccines can have. Not every dog will develop a long-term disease, but when they do it is devastating.


As defined by Pets4Homeopathy:

“Vaccinosis is the term applied to the state of disease, most often chronic - long term, which occurs in humans and animals after immunization vaccinations have been administered. For most pets the symptoms are not easily recognized in the beginning, an insidious disease, taking weeks, months, and sometimes even years before the care-giver realizes what has occurred over this period of time, and the root cause. Sadly, some people never discover that the root cause started with vaccines.”

Full Article by Pets4Homeopathy

It can happen when a dog receives it’s first vaccine, is over-vaccinated, vaccinated when not 100% healthy and/or are given when your dog’s system is already 100% protected. Your dog’s best advocate is you. You are the only one who can stand up for his/her best interest. There are veterinarians who will make owners feel like they are harming their pets by NOT giving vaccinations. You must go in armed with the knowledge and strength to ‘just say no’.

It’s important to understand that vaccines can permanently affect your dog’s immune system and thyroid gland. Excerpts from Dr. Jean Dodd articles with article links below:

“Side effects from canine and feline vaccinations can occur anywhere from instantly up to several weeks or months later. Vaccines can even cause susceptibility to chronic diseases later in life.”

Article: Vaccines: When too much of a good thing turns bad

“Sub-clinical hypothyroidism: Some dogs with suppressed thyroid functioning still test within the laboratory’s “normal” references ranges. These dogs are said to suffer from sub-clinical hypothyroidism. Sub-clinical hypothyroidism is a controversial topic within the veterinary community, since dogs with borderline-low hypothyroidism often display none of the typical clinical symptoms of full-blown hypothyroidism (weight gain, skin and coat problems, and lethargy, for example). However, there is substantial empirical evidence that animals with borderline-low hypothyroidism experience increased issues of aberrant behavioral, especially aggression, and also commonly suffer from inflammatory bowel disease.”

Sub-Clinical T4 levels for a giant breed are as high as 1.6


Below is just a small handful of examples of canine vaccinosis within the Boerboel community that I personally know about over the past few years. There are many more owners of not just BB’s, but other working breeds who have contacted me with similar stories. There are so many dogs with lifelong issues due to vaccinosis that we will never hear about.

BB#1 – Vaccinated from 7 weeks on with everything suggested including Bordatella every 6 months due to being in the show ring. Routine annual blood work showed normal levels in all areas for the first 5 years. Suddenly after a round of boosters, the dogs Thyroid level suddenly dropped to a low-normal level causing behavioral symptoms. Thankfully, this dogs regular vet was aware of behavioral issues being connected with sub-clinical thyroid levels and treatment with medication has kept this dog on track for several years.

BB#2 – Vaccinated the same as #1. At about age 5 suddenly began developing lipoma’s (watery cysts). Research tells us that these develop as the bodies way of riding itself of toxins. These have persisted throughout the dog’s life and semi-annual detoxing brings more out which ‘pop’ and release the toxins. Even though this dog has not been vaccinated in several years, she is still detoxing.

BB#3 – Vaccinated with not only the ‘normal’ puppy vaccines but also Influenza and Bordetella at the same time. This young dog would cycle through severe bouts of influenza type symptoms every few months after the vaccine. When taken to the vet to get care and have a thyroid test performed, it was insisted that he receive his Rabies booster because of ‘the law’, despite his poor state of health. That rabies booster sent him over the edge and he had to be laid to rest. There were veterinarians who refused to perform a Thyroid test on this dog despite the owners persistence.

BB#4 – A reaction to the first rabies vaccine followed by gastrointestinal issues; the issues persisted over the next year with the owner doing their best to clear them. While trying to get answers from a vet, it was insisted that the dog needed her rabies booster. With the booster, the issues greatly worsened; she was not absorbing nutrients from her food. A specialist put her on steroids and a special canned diet for leaky gut syndrome. She lost her battle and died in the arms of her owner at a mere 2 years of age.

#5 – A strong, happy, outgoing boy who was just about to turn 4 years old received his rabies booster. Within weeks he suddenly became extremely fearful and nervous. Currently undergoing detoxification and will have to have a Thyroid level done. We pray he can recover or be stabilized from the damage.

#6 - An adult BB developed a common respiratory infection. The owner took him to the vet for treatment. A vet tech mentioned he was due for all of his boosters; before the owner had time to think it through and make a decision, the vaccines were given. The dog passed away from ‘complications’.

As we continue to learn about a more holistic way of raising our dogs, we want to share that knowledge with others. Our hope is that animal owners everywhere will be equipped with the knowledge to challenge traditional methods of over-vaccinating. Over the years we have altered how we vaccinate our Boerboels and how we direct our puppy owners to vaccinate theirs. We are constantly learning and changing to do the absolute best for our pack and our offspring throughout their life. We have been following a new vaccine protocol for several years and we are now changing our recommendation for detoxification and titer testing after. Please read our blog about Titer testing and Detoxing to better understand how these work.

Advocating for your pet

  • Remember that the only vaccine regulated by law is Rabies. Rabies is not required everywhere, so do your research. Request titers rather than boosters. It is important to know that ANY level of antibody is full protection, no matter what the vet tells you. If you have a positive titer test and get called into court for not having an updated Rabies, you CAN fight it with the titer results.

  • If at all possible, find a holistic vet. If not, find a vet who is interested in your views about your pets. I find that vets that deal with livestock as well as small animals tend to be the most open. Stay away from commercial veterinary services that have multiple sites. They tend to focus more on the money aspect of the business; vaccines are huge money maker for vets. Make sure your vet will not harass you about a RAW diet or holistic approach every time you enter the building. With everything suggested by the vet say “I will research it and get back to you”. Quick decisions made when you are being pressured can be dangerous.

  • As your breeder, I am here for you. Text, call, e-mail, FB message any time you are being pressured or just have a question. I have dealt with almost anything you can come across; if I haven’t, I will reach out to my resources and get answers for you.